You can view Waveftont OBJ models
in airFiles
now, and control the texture, light,
rotation or zoom
it. |
Please upload .obj/.mtl and the texture file(BMP/JPG/PNG/TFF) to the same folder. |
Some suggestions before
export the 3d models |
you are a 3dmaxer. |
you are a Mayaer. |

If the
ambient color is 0, the model look dark. |
you are a XSIer. (I like XSI^
^) |
If you are a game developer,
you can view MD2 format in AirFiles now.
Animation is also no problem. |
support the alpha channel.

Please upload MD2 file and the texture file(BMP/JPG/PNG/TFF) to the same folder.
If you want a more professional
3D viewer, please go to see
the Air3D. |